Engraving of heart, portrait, instrument, name on a granite memorial plaque.

A personalised and original funeral plaque. To put on a grave.

Black granite memorial plaque, engraved portrait of the deceased. At Renaud Gravure, you can choose to engrave the deceased portrait. Our artist, who is also engrave, will work and draw on it. We call it a study. Before engraving the whole plaque, we want to be sure the photo is like what you want.
This is why we send you a first visual of the study. If you agree, then we launch the process. Otherwise we will modify until you are satisfied.

The portrait is engraved in the mass, once the engraving done, you can not remove it. This is why let you choose the size, the croppin or not. Remember that it is not our plaque, but yours.

There are also engraved percussion instrument, a heart background also engraved in the mass. It adds a personalisation to the plaque, especially if it was a musician or enjoyed playing maracas.

The granite plaque stands on two aluminium feet. It is a stainless material. Screws are in brass, also a stainless material. It means the plaque is outdoors resistent, an important point for a plaque for cemetery.

What is on the plaque :

It is a black granite memorial plaque.
There are hearts on the plaque. There is a huge heart, like a frame that takes all the space. Below this huge heart, there are 6 smaller hearts. Three on the left from the bigger to the smaller and the exact oppposite on the right. It is a mirror. Around the plaque there are small stars.

In the big heart there are other elements.

On the left, there are two pairs of maraca, one turned up and the other turned down. Maracas turned to the sky are lighter than maracas in direction of the floor.

Below this motive, there is the name. Janet Benson, it is written in italics with a handwritten font.

On the right there is the portrait of the deceased. it is quiet big as it takes all the right part of the heart.

Where can you find these elements :

- The plaque with hearts : These background of hearts takes part of the granite model. There patterns of hearts in the drawings, but not theese hearts. Thus, while choosing the plaque, please choose the background. "Plates" ; "Black granite plates". In the window, click on "Plaques on metal base". Then in the menu, click on " Plaques hearts". There are other type of plaque, feel free to click on each button to see them.

- Maracas, music instrument : It is one of the drawing available in the catalogue of drawings and patterns. Please click on "High definition drawings" ; "Create drawing #1". A window appears, with a menu of categories. Please search for " Music percu. instru.". If the deceased was playing another instrument you can take a look to the other categories to find his instrument.

- Name : "Texts" ; "Create text #1". Use the cursor in the thumbnail "3: Size, position, rotation" to modify the position. To change the font, it is the second thumbnail.

- The portrait : To upload a photo of yours, a drawing you've drawn, or even a drawing we do not have in the catalogue and you want on the plaque the process is exactly the same. Click on "Photos, engraved portraits", and follow the instructions. If you have it on your computer, say it is a digital photo. If it is a former photo, in paper, click on the other button. You can choose the shape you want, if you want to keep the background or not.

Memorial plaque granite portraits . 20 x 30 cm.

Material : granite     Height : 20 cm     Width : 30 cm     Thickness : 2 cm     Weight (around) : 4.5 Kg

Personalise this memorial plaque

Price calculated in real time

Custom grave plaques

          325 Euros          
The unalterable engravings presented
are included in the price

Study provided before engraving10 working days of manufactureMaterial in stock

Measurement units